Gramercy Gynecology

Gramercy Gynecology

Gramercy Gynecology provides advanced gynecology treatment to their patients. Gramercy Gynecology is likely a medical practice or healthcare facility specializing in gynecology services in the Gramercy neighborhood or area.

Services in Gramercy Gynecology

  • Wellness Exam/Women’s Health
  • Ultrasound Services

Wellness Exam/Women’s Health :

During your annual wellness exam, you will be screened for potential gynecologic health problems.

These screenings may include a pelvic exam, Pap smear, clinical breast exam, appropriate laboratory testing, as well as contraceptive, reproductive, or menopause management counseling.

They recommend patients in their 20’s and 30’s have an annual wellness exam. This exam may include a Pap smear, pelvic exam, discussion of contraceptive needs and the prevention of sexually transmitted infections, breast exam, and instructions on how to perform breast self-exams. Family planning may also be discussed. During your wellness exam, your physician will discuss healthy lifestyle choices including healthy diet and exercise, not smoking and alcohol only in moderation. Counseling on currently recommended cancer screening guidelines will be reviewed.

gramercy gynecology

They recommend patients in their 40s and 50s have an annual wellness exam. This exam may include a Pap smear, pelvic exam, breast exam, and instructions on how to perform breast self-exams. Regular breast cancer screening with mammograms may be discussed. This visit may also include counseling for osteoporosis prevention and bone density testing if indicated. Other discussion for this visit includes possible pre-menopausal or age-related changes you can expect, as well as contraceptive needs and the prevention of sexually transmitted infections. During your wellness exam, your physician will discuss healthy lifestyle choices including visiting your primary care provider for regular health screenings, healthy diet, and exercise, and not smoking and alcohol only in moderation.

An annual wellness exam is recommended during the menopausal years and after. This exam may include a Pap smear, pelvic exam, breast exam, and instructions on how to perform breast self-exams. In addition to an annual mammogram, bone density testing is recommended approximately every other year. During your wellness exam, your physician will address issues including vaginal dryness, incontinence, urinary frequency, and sexual dysfunction as well as any concerns you may have. If indicated, hormone replacement therapy may be discussed. During your wellness exam, your care provider will discuss healthy lifestyle choices including visiting your primary care provider for regular health screenings, taking calcium and exercising to prevent bone loss, healthy diet, and not smoking and alcohol only in moderation.

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Ultrasound Services:

Their practice is proud to be an AIUM-certified facility to provide same-day or next-day appointments to their patients. A pelvic ultrasound is a diagnostic tool that uses sound waves to create images of structures and organs in the pelvic region. The organs that the pelvic ultrasound examines include the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus bladder, and cervix in women. This technology permits us to identify anatomic abnormalities such as ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, and endometrial polyps as well as assess follicle counts that may offer insight into a patient’s fertility.

A combined approach with both transvaginal and transabdominal imaging permits a more comprehensive visualization of the gynecologic structures.

  • Transvaginal ultrasound scan: You are encouraged to void before the procedure (typically after the transabdominal portion). During the procedure, a small probe is placed into the vagina with a sterile single-use cover to examine the health of your fallopian tubes, ovaries, and uterus. Your doctor uses the results to evaluate the thickness of the uterine lining, and the presence of cysts, tumors, and other abnormal growths.
  • Transabdominal ultrasound scan: You are encouraged to drink plenty of water before the procedure. During the examination, a conducting gel is applied over your skin and a transducer (a small handheld device) is moved over the lower belly.

Please Remember that this service is limited to patients who are under the care of a provider in their practice. they are not a radiology center that fulfills another provider’s request.

Location of Gramercy Gynecology:

Gramercy Gynecology West
305 Seventh Avenue, 10th Floor,
NEW YORK, NY 10001

This is the location and you can visit their website for more info.



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